In Wizarding Duels the games are played in 3 Rounds, after those 3 Rounds the player with the most Quest Points will be the winner.
Each of the 3 Rounds of play is divided into 3 main phases to be played in order:
1 - Start Phase.
2 - Activation Phase.
3 - End Phase.
Inside the Start Phase, A coin will be flipped each Round to determine which player will be the Starter Player and both players will draw Clash Cards until they have 3 in their hand.
In this phase players must pay the upkeep of their spells if they want the effects to remain active, Draw Clash Cards and then advance the Cooldown of the Spells. The Artifact Lock marker will also be removed.
This is the phase where we will develop our game, we can make up to 3 activations of our models to move them, attack, cast spells, etc. Players will activate their models alternately, and after having done 3 activations they will move to the End Phase.
In this phase we will resolve some things to check before starting a new round, such as resolving the Status Markers on the models, or see if we score any of the Quest cards.
After this phase, if it is not turn 3, we would start with a new turn. If it is turn 3, the Quest Points will be counted to determine the winner.
These are the 6 types of cards that we can find in Wizarding Duels, the correct combination of them is essential if we want to win. Soon we will tell you how to set up a group and the different phases within a Round of play.