Hello witches and wizards!
In this article we are going to talk about how to create your Group to play Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Wizarding Duels.
When we talk about all the necessary elements that you need to have ready before the game we talk about the "Group".
Before starting to play you should have agreed with your opponent how many "Galleons" they will have available to create the Group. Galleons are the currency of Wizarding Duels, and both the characters we choose for our Group and the Artifacts we assign to them will have a cost in Galleons depending on the power level of those characters or Artifacts. Generally, a character with a high cost will be more powerful or more useful during the game than a character with a low cost.
A Standard game is played at 50 Galleons, but if both players want to agree a game at less or more Galleons they can do so.
The most important part of a Group are the characters we want to include (which we call Models), and they are divided into two affiliations: Hogwarts and Death Eaters.
When choosing the Models for your group, 4 rules must be taken into account.
-All Models must share affiliation.
-You cannot exceed the cost in "Galleons" agreed for the game.
-You cannot include several Models with the same name.
-Your Group can have a maximum of 6 Models.

After choosing the Models that will compose our Group, we can assign Artifacts to them.
Each Model has a limited number of artifacts that can be assigned and the cost of these Artifacts is indicated on the Artifact card.
The sum in Galleons of your Models + Artifacts cannot exceed the amount of Galleons agreed for the Game.
The Spell Cards available to the Models during the game are collectively known as the "Spellbook".
Spells do not have a cost in Galleons, so you can freely choose your favorite Spells to create a unique Spellbook capable of giving you an advantage during the game.
The Spells that make up your Spellbook are not assigned (for the moment) to your Models, simply choose your Spells and place them in a visible area of the table.
You can include in your Spellbook a number of Spells equal to the sum of the Mastery value of all your Models in the Group.
After choosing Models, Artifacts and Spells, we would configure the Quest Deck and choose 6 level 0 Potions for the Stock of Potions. With those steps we would have all the Group configured and we would be ready to start playing a game.
Now you know how the Groups are created. For the next article we will introduce you to the top Gryffindor student of the class...