Welcome Magicians and Muggles! Today we bring you a rather dark article. Let's talk about the Death Eater profiles that will be included in the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Wizarding Duels starter box.

We start with Death Eater I. A fairly effective follower of the Dark Lord who will make it difficult for its opponents.
It has 2 points of Mastery that will make it easier for us to cast spells. Its defense has 1 shield so we must be careful with our opponents' attacks.

Cunning is the stat that will add power markers to our power pool. Death Eater I adds 2 Dark Markers to our Power Pool. Additionally, it has 1 slot to assign items.
Death Eater I's innate spell is Stupefy, a very reliable combat spell as it has a +2 casting bonus that will inflict a hit that cannot be modified.
Death Eater I has 3 powerful Traits for the game. A good option for your group considering that it costs 8 Galleons.
Dark Arts: A very useful Trait since a model with this Trait can cast Unforgivable Spells.
Potioneer 1: This Trait is an improvement on potions because the model can choose a level 1 Potion or less instead of only the level 0 Potions.
Dark Motivation: This Trait is a small help when this Model declares the Target of a combat spell, this Model can suffer 1 hit to gain +1 Mastery from this Test.

These have been the attributes of Death Eater I. Now we will continue with the characteristics of Death Eater II. A follower of the Dark Lord more dangerous than its companion.
The Stats of Death Eater II are exactly the same as those of Death Eater I. 2 in Mastery, 1 in Defense, 2 Dark Markers to the Power Pool and 1 slot to assign items.

Death Eater II's innate spell is the dreaded Crucio, which causes the target model to take 1 Hit and lose 1 Shield.
Like its companion Death Eater I, Death Eater II has 3 Traits and a cost of 8 Galleons.
Dark Arts: As we have commented in the Traits of Death Eater I, with this Trait this model can cast Unforgivable Spells.
Duelling: This Trait is very versatile. A Model with this Trait in an Encountered Clash has different benefits depending on whether it is the Active Player or the defender.
If used by the Active Player. If the defender decides to change the revealed Clash Card for one from their hand, they must play the changed Clash Card face up.
If it is the Defender who uses it: Instead of being the first to decide whether to change the revealed Clash Card for one from their hand, the Active Player will decide first if they want to change the Card and do so.
Dark Motivation: As we have explained previously, this Trait is used when this Model declares Target of a combat spell, this Model can suffer 1 Hit to gain +1 Mastery from this Test.
This has been the presentation of the two Death Eaters that will be included in the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Wizarding Duels starter box. See you wizards and Muggles in the next Wizarding post!